



​​​​​​Junior school

SOSE is the learning area which concerns how we live together with others within the natural world. The primary purpose of SOSE is to help young people develop the ability to make reasoned and informed decisions for the betterment of themselves and society. SOSE teaches students to be active, informed and responsible citizens in their communities, their nation and the world.

In the Junior school, students study History as the SOSE component of their studies.

Senior school

Ancient history

Ancient History provides opportunities for students to study people, societies and civilisations of the past, from the development of the earliest human communities to the end of the Middle Ages. Students explore the interaction of societies, and the impact of individuals and groups on ancient events and ways of life, and study the development of some features of modern society, such as social organisation, systems of law, governance and religion.

Students analyse and interpret archaeological and written evidence. They develop increasingly sophisticated skills and understandings of historical issues and problems by interrogating the surviving evidence of ancient sites, societies, individuals and significant historical periods. They investigate the problematic nature of evidence, pose increasingly complex questions about the past and formulate reasoned responses.

Students gain multi-disciplinary skills in analysing textual and visual sources, constructing arguments, challenging assumptions, and thinking both creatively and critically.


Business provides opportunities for students to develop business knowledge and skills to contribute meaningfully to society, the workforce and the marketplace and prepares them as potential employees, employers, leaders, managers and entrepreneurs.

Students investigate the business life cycle, develop skills in examining business data and information and learn business concepts, theories, processes and strategies relevant to leadership, management and entrepreneurship. They investigate the influence of, and implications for, strategic development in the functional areas of finance, human resources, marketing and operations.

Students use a variety of technological, communication and analytical tools to comprehend, analyse, interpret and synthesise business data and information. They engage with the dynamic business world (in both national and global contexts), the changing workforce and emerging digital technologies.

Business Studies

Business Studies provides opportunities for students to develop practical business knowledge, understanding and skills for use, participation and work in a range of business contexts.

Students develop their business knowledge and understanding through applying business practices and business functions in business contexts, analysing business information and proposing and implementing outcomes and solutions in business contexts.

Students develop effective decision-making skills and learn how to plan, implement and evaluate business outcomes and solutions, resulting in improved economic, consumer and financial literacy.

Legal Studies

Legal Studies focuses on the interaction between society and the discipline of law and explores the role and development of law in response to current issues. Students study the legal system and how it regulates activities and aims to protect the rights of individuals, while balancing these with obligations and responsibilities.

Students study the foundations of law, the criminal justice process and the civil justice system. They critically examine issues of governance, explore contemporary issues of law reform and change, and consider Australian and international human rights issues.

Students develop skills of inquiry, critical thinking, problem-solving and reasoning to make informed and ethical decisions and recommendations. They identify and describe legal issues, explore information and data, analyse, evaluate to make decisions or propose recommendations, and create responses that convey legal meaning. They question, explore and discuss tensions between changing social values, justice and equitable outcomes.

Modern history

Modern History provides opportunities for students to gain historical knowledge and understanding about some of the main forces that have contributed to the development of the Modern World and to think historically and form a historical consciousness in relation to these same forces.

Modern History enables students to empathise with others and make meaningful connections between the past, present and possible futures.

Students learn that the past is contestable and tentative. Through inquiry into ideas, movements, national experiences and international experiences they discover how the past consists of various perspectives and interpretations.

Students gain a range of transferable skills that will help them become empathetic and critically- literate citizens who are equipped to embrace a multicultural, pluralistic, inclusive, democratic, compassionate and sustainable future.


 Tourism studies enable students to gain an appreciation of the role of the tourism industry and the structure, scope and operation of the related tourism sectors of travel, hospitality and visitor services.

Students examine the socio-cultural, environmental and economic aspects of tourism, as well as tourism opportunities, problems and issues across global, national and local contexts.

Students develop and apply tourism-related knowledge and understanding through learning experiences and assessment in which they plan projects, analyse issues and opportunities, and evaluate concepts and information.

Last reviewed 15 March 2022
Last updated 15 March 2022