Elanora State High School is PESA accredited positive education school. Positive Education is the overarching umbrella that guides our systems and processes with the goal of achieving a positive culture for staff and students across all facets of school life.
“Positive education is the integration of the core principles of Positive Psychology with the evidence-informed structures, practices and programs that enhance both wellbeing and academic achievement. The aim of positive education is to enable all members of a school community to succeed and prosper (Noble & McGrath 2015 a & b)."
Across every aspect of our school, we believe that developing the confidence, optimism and resilience that students need to successfully navigate life is as important as academic education. However, studies have identified that by explicitly teaching social and emotional skills and strategies students will also enhance their engagement with learning and therefore experience academic success. Elanora State High School has developed a holistic wellbeing program that incorporates the ideologies into our curriculum, policies, procedures and practices.
As part of Positive Education, Elanora uses Positive Behaviour for Learning as the vehicle for creating positive relationships within the classroom, managing poor behaviour and encouraging positive behaviour.
'Recent research indicates that consistently implementing an evidence-based whole-school, positive approach to behaviour can improve social behaviour and student performance. Analysis of the research indicates there are core elements that make a significant difference in increasing positive behaviour and reducing inappropriate behaviour.' (Department of Education: Statement of Expectations for a Disciplined School Environment 2017)
Positive Behaviour for Learning is a multi-tiered framework of intervention practices and organisational systems for establishing a positive teaching and learning environment (Sugai and Horner, 2006). It is an approach that focuses on school wide, classroom, non-classroom, student and family settings where all areas are working together to achieve a positive teaching and learning environment for both staff and students. It is used in schools to build a supportive positive school culture and environment for all students and teachers (Kelm,J., McIntosh & Cooley, S. 2014).
Positive Behaviour for Learning also aligns with the Code of School Behaviour stating that, 'All members of the school community are expected to conduct themselves in a lawful, ethical, safe and responsible manner that recognises and respects the rights of others' (2017). When implemented with fidelity, high school PBL is associated with reductions in office discipline referrals, frequency of tardy behaviour, and suspensions. High schools also see increases in attendance and improved student perceptions of school climate and safety. Therefore, we at Elanora High School, envision the respectful delivery of Positive Behaviour for Learning to be an opportunity to support social and emotional learning as well as a means of maximising the academic success and outcomes for all.